Boston Spartan Sprint 

We leapt, climbed, and rolled our way to greatness.

Was it a challenge? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

Truth be told, I never thought I would find myself in a race like this. I typically avoid dirty activities where I can and ‘stay dry’.  When my dad asked me to run I had been in training mode and was in peak shape… I figured why not

Fast-forward three months later and there I was throwing myself over 6-foot walls, rolling through dirt, and carrying buckets of gravel. Those obstacles I 1) didn’t think I would finish and 2) never thought I would do taught me several lessons. 

  1. Don’t Run Away From Your Fears – When something sounds too challenging and lies outside of your comfort zone, don’t be afraid to sign up and fight through it. There are NO losers when you’re training to prove yourself wrong. Having a sense of fear can push you harder, make you stronger, and makes the end even more fulfilling. Trust me, you got this.
  2. Mind Over Matter – When your body says no, keep going.  We never think about the strength it takes to continue when your body gets weary. If your mentality stays in the game you can last way longer than you even expected. It’s all about staying focused on the end and putting in 100% until you physically can’t run anymore.
  3. Don’t Be Afraid To Get Dirty – I’m talking REAL dirty… do not go into this race thinking you can dodge the mud and water because there is no way around them (burpees included). Getting roughed up and jumping into mud pits is actually a whirlwind of a good time! You may feel nasty after, but that’s why you bring a change of clothes (always bring a change of clothes).
  4. Your Supporters Are There For You – So maybe you didn’t win 1st place – that doesn’t matter. Your supporters will be cheering you on throughout the course and at the finish line no matter the outcome. You finished, so be proud. You can continue training and try to place higher in your next race! 
  5. This Is No Road Race – Years of running road races and cross-country trails couldn’t have prepared me for this course.  You don’t realize how difficult the variety of obstacles can be because, most likely, you’ve never done them before. You realize throughout the course what you need to work on once you get back in the gym. Me? I’m about to start carrying a gravel bucket around and doing pull-ups on every ledge I see. Why? Because I realized that my upper body needs some work. Everybody is different and will see their own unique changes, but that’s what it’s all about!

Towards the end I really got to appreciate help my dad provided me. Some of those walls were a bit too tall to reach… that’s why we run as a team! This guy couldn’t have made my experience any better. He signed me up, pushed me to keep going, and has always been my biggest supporter. 

Good luck to him as he goes on to complete the Trifecta this Fall.

I’m ready for my next race!