Want It? Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For It | #BeYourBold ✨

Have you ever felt afraid to ask for something you want? The key emotions and thoughts that come to mind for me are disadvantaged, nervous, uncomfortable, etc. I am going to be totally honest with you: 1) I have been there and 2) I still dread that experience.

Chances are you’ve been in this situation before. If you tell me you haven’t then you are one in a million! It is just so tough when you’re starting out in a new position in life. Asking for things can be difficult with both people who are really close to you and those who aren’t so much. One way or another there is bound to be something holding you back.

The one thing you need to do is remind yourself why you are asking. Be confident and sure of what you are asking for. I always appreciate when someone asks me for advice or a helping hand when they need it. Honestly, it makes me feel valuable as well! According to this article from LifeHacker, it can make you more likable. Would you believe that?

Never be afraid to ask for help, advice, more.

I mean why are we do we get so worked up about asking for even the littlest things? It’s downright silly. As I’ve started to recognize myself doing this, I started to realize why. Why it’s stupid to feel stupid (yep) and why you need to just go after it.

Ask For It
Photo c/o @camylla93

There are many situations when you will need to ask for something and they are to be treated differently. When it comes to family & friends I recommend approaching from a place of sincerity. They are someone close to you who may have even helped you before (without your asking). If you are open and honest with them then they are more likely to want to help!

To get what you want you have to ask for it.

The toughest situation of them all has to be in the professional world. When it comes to work, it’s easy to freeze up. The ask may seem out of line to you right now but, if it’s something that you really want and believe you deserve, it is 100% worth asking for.

In relationships you have got to ask for what you want too! Whether you are newly dating, long-term, living together, married, etc. it will make all the difference. When you don’t express what you want to your partner it can definitely cause rifts. Be open, be honest, and ask for what you what. Most importantly: ask when it’s still fresh in your mind!

You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.

~ Oprah Winfrey

I feel like I am always quoting Oprah in the #BeYourBold series and for good reason. She is an example of working your way to the top by asking for what you want, making a name for yourself, and being bold in your pursuit for more.

Ask For It
Photo c/o @mattwag

Food for thought 💭

A recommendation I have is to build yourself up by asking questions and being more bold than you normally would. Your confidence will start to snowball itself and you will find future asks even easier. As always, practice makes perfect. I still find myself nervous before asking for things I know are right.

Trust your heart and know that it will lead you in the right direction. If you feel you need help, ask. If you whole-heartedly believe you deserve that promotion, ask. If you want advice from someone (no matter who), ask. You never know what you will get in return and you will never know if you don’t try.

My honest advice on asking for it

If you really want something or think something needs to change then that is in your hands only. Things are not going to change (at least in your favor) on their own. When you start to get that nagging thought, you need to go for it! Sometimes you will get rejected… you will get a big fat no and other times it will be a positive YES. 

For my fellow bloggers and influencers: opportunities may not always come knocking on your door. Most of the time you have to chase after the partnerships you dream about! It is all part of the process. Once you start asking, you will see the doors opening for you!

To all the boss babes: don’t hold yourself back because you are nervous about the response. Even if you think it’s a waste of time it might not be. How will you ever know? Start being bold and know you are worth it. Get out there and do what’s right for you.