Confidence and Personal Care with Colgate

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DoMoreForYourWholeMouth #ColgatePartner #CollectiveBias

This post was created in partnership with Colgate.

One part of my health that I will not let up is dental care. That’s right, the simple daily task of brushing your teeth. It’s not to be taken lightly, taking care of your well-being is crucial in being a more confident person and to practice self-love.

For me, smiles are the most important first impression. Just think about meeting someone with an infectious smile and how it makes you feel! If you are anything like me, it makes you smile right back. After all, smiles make the world go round.

Taking care of your teeth is one of those things you just can’t forget about. There are so many products out there that claim to be the best but I’ve definitely found a few favorites.

For me, Colgate TotalSF has been the best! Forget about morning breath (yeah, no thanks) and say HELLO to fresh breath. If I ever left the house without brushing my teeth it would honestly feel like a nightmare. Feeling like you have bad breath or any sort of coating on your teeth can make you feel unconfident and unpleasant.

Here are my tips to a bright & white smile:

  • Brush your teeth with Colgate TotalSF  Advanced Whitening Toothpaste first thing in the morning
  • Rinse with mouthwash
  • Drink coffee and other dark beverages with a straw
  • Floss after eating lunch so your teeth feel clean
  • Brush your teeth with Colgate TotalSF before hitting the pillow

Your smile can take you places so it’s one thing you should never let up.

New Colgate TotalSF toothpaste will have your smile shining in no time! It fights bacteria on your teeth, tongue, cheek, and gums. Plus, it helps to prevent plaque and bad breath. I have always had sensitive teeth so I love how Colgate TotalSF helps to reduce sensitivity. You can pick up Colgate TotalSF to try yourself at Walmart.

Pick yours up today:

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This post was created in partnership with Colgate.