New Goals and Nutrition with ONE Brands

My relationship with ONE Brands started back in April of this year when I tried their bars for the first time. They have a variety of fun flavors like ‘Lemon Cake’ and ‘Cinnamon Roll’ that I love for snacking. My intention to write this post was for the spring which means it is very overdue! But alas, I am here now to share my new routine with you and I love ONE Bars even more having consumed them for months.

ONE Brands Protein Bars

I will be completely honest, it has been a while since I wrote about my health & wellness. The truth is I had gotten so overwhelmed with my various adult responsibilities that I started to neglect my prior focus on a ‘fit’ lifestyle. But, some of my favorite partnerships involve the brands that fuel me each and every day. ONE Brands is a big part of that.

Setting New Goals

None of you may remember this but one of my life goals is to run a half marathon and then a full marathon. My friend Carrie Wu has been pretty kickass in her training and made me want to jump back into pursuing my own goals. That and the inspiration I had growing up from my dad who ran two marathons, Boston and Walt Disney World. With that being said… I officially signed up for a half this fall. The first step to achieving your goals is making the definitive decision to do so.

ONE Brands Protein Bars

Fueling with foods that are good for your body is key to a successful run and mental clarity (or at least for me!). I grab a bar from ONE Brands for a quick breakfast or fuel between meals. They always satisfy me and don’t leave my stomach uneasy like many other brands of granola and protein bars do. Plus, I won’t deny that eating a healthy ‘Maple Glazed Doughnut’ sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

About ONE Brands

What I like most about ONE Bars is the high protein and low sugar count. The bars have 20g+ of protein and 1g of sugar. Is that not crazy?! A lot of the time you’ll notice the balance is much closer between the two values. These are the only bars I feel have hit the mark on both flavor, satisfaction, and nutrition.

ONE Brands Protein Bars

One of the flavors that is a must-try is their Dark Chocolate Sea Salt. You can find boxes of them and other flavors at your local Walmart store. They are one snack I consistently keep stocked in our pantry. Paul has been stealing them from me which means keeping extra boxes so we don’t run out earlier than expected!

A ranking of my favorite ONE Bars:

  1. Birthday Cake
  2. Dark Chocolate Sea Salt
  3. Blueberry Cobbler
ONE Brands Protein Bars

You can grab a variety pack on Amazon HERE.

PS… they just introduced the Pumpkin Pie flavor which looks AMAZING. I am hoping I’ll be able to find it on my next trip and, if not, I will be ordering a box from their website.