Living Joyfully and Appreciating the Little Things | #BeYourBold ✨

You wake up every morning and get ready for another day. You go through the motions of your morning routine: shower, skincare, coffee, commute, more coffee, etc. It always feels the same and you get stuck thinking things are just plain boring. Right? But, maybe it’s the mindset we leave the house with every morning that is holding you back.

Positivity is a trait that lives within you. Some blessed individuals are born optimistic while others have to train themselves to see the world in a more positive way. I am one of those people. No matter what time of day it is I often give myself pep talks to keep my mood in a brighter place. Some days it’s easier and some it feels impossible.

The truth about living joyfully is that you make that decision. I’ve talked about confidence, positivity, and being your bold because they can change your life. Once you make the decision to love your life, love those around you, and love YOURSELF you will naturally see things a different way. It comes back to one thing: it’s all about the little things.

Photo: Lauren Hawkins Photography

I know what makes me feel joy and I actively chase after it.

A few things that bring me joy:

  • Going for a walk and breathing in the fresh air
  • Taking 30 minutes to sit and not think about anything
  • Putting pen to paper and writing down my thoughts
  • Smiling for the sake of smiling
  • Breathing in the smell of freshly brewed coffee (ah)

Everything on this list is free and easy to make happen. Everything on this list works for me every single time. These are some of the little things that can put a positive spin to a less than stellar day. They can completely change my mindset which then has an impact on others. The joy comes from giving in to what you know you need at any given time.

To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.

~ Mark Twain

As the legendary Mark Twain put it, we must surround ourselves with people who make us feel joyful. All of your relationships should make you feel good. If they don’t then it might be time to let them go. We can lift ourselves up daily but the people we choose to be a part of our lives can elevate that joy to another level. They are sharing those moments with us. For this reason, I am very mindful of those I surround myself with.

Photo: Lauren Hawkins Photography

My honest advice for living joyfully

When you put things into perspective you realize how silly the “big” things are. It’s better to walk things off, laugh through them, or completely diffuse a situation before it ruins you. Nothing in your life should make you feel small, unworthy, or hurt. Remembering how thankful you are to be here, the many positive aspects of your life, and the people who lift you up can combat negativity when it presents itself. It’s these little things that bring back your joy.

We make choices every single day that can change us. Make the decision to live with joy, appreciate the little things, and love more. Every time you choose to look at the brighter side of things is an opportunity to live joyfully. Over time you teach yourself to feel better, move on, and live with a better outlook on life.

Read more from the #BeYourBold series