Category: Fashion

How To Care For Winter Hair

Icy air can cause your hair to break and become dry. SO dry that you are tempted to wear a hat every single day. Don’t let this happen to you! You don’t need to wash your hair every day or chop it off just to rid of split ends. There are products…

What To Wear For Your Holiday Fair

Happy Holidays! As you have forever heard, it is the most wonderful time of the year. Full of Christmas music, caroling, decorating the tree, and cookies (yum) you can’t beat it. Giving gifts, receiving gifts, and enjoying the merry nature of the season is all spectacular. PLUS from work to…

Your Perfect Party Pout

There’s no question about it. Some lipsticks are absolutely horrible. You purchase and use them with high expectations only to realize they leave your lips WAY too dry, are not the color you expected, or crack and don’t sit well on the skin. Your lips deserve so much better. That’s why I’m…

Romeo + Juliet Couture

I have been looking for new date night outfit ideas recently. With the holidays coming up I like to dress up a little big extra. On this night we were going into Boston for a delicious Italian meal and I wanted to dress the part! Coming from school I often…

Your Vote IS Your Voice

“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” – Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the U.S. I couldn’t put a number on the amount of people, young and old, who have expressed their reluctance to vote. Whether it was via social media or in-person, it doesn’t matter. It is your right as…

Nothing Gold Can Stay

It’s so true what they say… nothing gold can stay. Today I have for you a fall foliage inspired style blog. If you are anything like me (always up for an adventure) then this style is for you. It is warm, cozy, and practical. Not to mention it is adorable…