Follow Your Passions, Boldly | #BeYourBold ✨

Have you seen the nay-sayers who think ‘follow your passions’ is bad advice? I have and I will be the first to express my complete disagreement. They are crazy if they think doing what you love and going after an idea is bad… I mean really.

One saying I have always believed in and 100% hold myself to is follow your passions. You might wonder why I find follow your passions different from chasing your dreams. Despite it being a personal preference, I think your current passions can be different from the overall ‘dream’ because passions can be both short and long-term aspirations.

If we are being totally honest here (I am) then you should know I’m a serial thinker. That’s what I consider myself and maybe you do too. No matter what it is I am working on the ideas keep flowing in so many directions! Some ideas become passion projects that I work on until I feel they are my best work while others just don’t feel right. This is totally normal!

I have always been this way and it is what led me to start blogging way back when.

Maybe you want to start a blog, write a book, become a yoga instructor, bake thousands of delicious treats, or design your life in some other way. My intention is to encourage you to pursue whatever unexplored passions are weighing on your conscience. Why? Because you don’t want to wish, someday far-far-away, that you had taken a chance.

Photo c/o @kylejglenn

Follow your passion. It will lead you to your purpose.

~ Oprah Winfrey

We are all badass men and women with our own interests. That is what makes us unique! Sometimes getting caught up in the lives of others (queue social media) can discourage us from following our passions. You get caught up thinking someone else has already or will do it better… that’s not true. 

You write the story of your own life and can fill it with as many or as few passions as you want. We are all different and can handle as much as feels right to us.

Yes, even when you feel life is just too crazy right now.

It very well may be but there is always time to make your life better and more fulfilling. For me that is reading, writing, and creating when I get home from work at night and on the weekends. For you that could be in the morning, during your lunch break, or at the crack of dawn when you can’t sleep (fellow night owls unite!). Seriously though… make time for yourself!

Start a list to help identify your own passions 📄

  • Activities you have always wanted to try
  • People you admire and aspire to be like
  • Things you enjoy doing the most in life
  • Causes and topics you strongly support
Photo c/o @stilclassics

My favorite: What makes you feel the most happy and fulfilled?

You don’t need big bags of money to get started 💰

If money is holding you back…

  1.  Get rid of that thought right now
  2. Start researching ways around it
Photo c/o @kodyg4

There are so many free resources online for entrepreneurs and hobbyists that can help to reduce your up-front cost substantially. If it is going to cost you money no matter what then find a few others who are interested in going in with you!

Food for thought 💭

When I started blogging I used a completely free website and wrote about things I loved and already had. You can do this same thing! There are hundreds of websites now making this possible. Wix and WordPress are my personal favorites! Once you are in a place where you feel comfortable, it costs maybe $250 if you DIY the website yourself and you learn alot in the process.

My honest advice on finding your passions

You’ve got this! Even though your idea may seem crazy (sure, maybe it is) that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue it. When an idea comes to me, take the #BeYourBold series, I write down the initial thought and start brainstorming around it.

This, my friends, is where the fun comes in! Your initial thoughts might differ drastically from what you write down. I have had this happen before because when it’s written out you start to visualize the idea more clearly. Suddenly your passions are coming to fruition!

Speaking of friends… don’t let those close to you psych you out. Just because you are passionate about something doesn’t mean others will be! Like I said before, we all have our own passions and interests that make us unique. Absolutely take others advice and criticisms but don’t let them discourage you from making this happen 👊

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Thank you for being a part of the #BeYourBold series!

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  1. Nailil wrote:

    This is a great post, it’s pretty inspirational. I’m looking to apply some of these into my day to day; especially identify your own passions in order to stay motivated.

    Posted 9.5.18
  2. Lauren wrote:

    I love this post! Thank you for the honest advice about following your passion!

    Posted 9.5.18

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