Standing Out And Bringing That Spark | #BeYourBold ✨

There are lots of people in the world so how are you going to stand out? Where you stack up right now can be easily changed with a better understand of yourself. That’s right, most of this is about your mentality and the way you carry yourself!

Throughout my education, career, and the blogging world I have learned first-hand how standing out can make a huge difference in the outcome. Whether you want that job, are running for student council, plan on starting a wildly successful blog, etc. you’ve got to make a name for yourself and be unique. Blending in is the absolute last thing you want to do.

Referencing last weeks post on following your passions: it is easier to stand out when what you are doing is your passion. But, that will not always be the case and I completely understand; I’m with you! There have been many opportunities I have chased after because I knew what they would do for me and my resume despite not being in my desired industry.

You will never stand out if you’re too busy trying to blend in.

For starters, start recognizing your strengths and using them to your advantage. Make a list of what you are best at and the qualities you embody most and start to embrace them instead of harping on those weaknesses we all let fog over us. Just forget about ’em!

Standing Out - make a list of your strengths and embrace them
Photo c/o @martenbjork

Next on deck… start working on boosting your confidence! This also plays into your strengths and will become one. Walk into every situation with your head held high and the feeling that you are going to kill it. With the right preparation, you won’t have to worry at all. If it’s an interview or meet-up of some sort wear something that makes you feel great and it will boost your overall mood.

It really is the little things that go a long way when it comes to standing out.

Please, if you are going to take any of this advice, stop looking at everyone around you and thinking they are better! That is hurting your mentality and boosting theirs. The most important (and cliche) of all is to be yourself not someone else. We all say it but many of us don’t do it! Can you believe that?

If you try to be someone that you are not your whole demeanor will come off as indifferent and inauthentic. When you let your true self shine, you’ve already given yourself a leg up on the competition. Be a #GirlBoss and start giving yourself props!

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

~ Dr. Seuss

Stop being so critical of yourself amongst other things. If you judge every job you interview for, every person you meet, and every activity you try then how are you allowing yourself to 1) enjoy those things or 2) give it a real shot? Truth is you’re not. 

Fun Lemon - learning to stand out in an overcrowded world
Photo c/o @rawpixel

You can psych yourself out of anything. Instead, start coaching yourself through it to see improvements. Know what you want and go for it! It’s better to take a shot in the dark and know you tried your best than to not try at all.

When you take chances and give it your all others will, undoubtedly, notice. Nothing radiates like the excitement of taking a chance that could change everything.

Food for thought 💭

It is really easy to get caught up in the mindset of wishing you were something else. It can drive you crazy and cause you to fail… big time. I used to admire other bloggers and think “why can’t I be like them?” until I realized it was impossible. They stand out because they are true to themselves (for the most part). You are everything you think you are and more. Take that mindset and run with it so you can bring that spark in everything you do.

My honest advice on standing out

Take it a day at a time and pay less mind to how others feel about. The more you work on radiating confidence and standing out, the more others will notice. Guess what? The ones who are jealous or who haven’t taken these steps themselves may react with distaste. It doesn’t matter.

Look at everyone you admire and think about how bold they must be to have gotten where they are. Something about them just sticks and allows them to continue climbing those ladders. You have the same potential and should never forget it.

If you get nervous then it’s 100% okay. Having nerves means your human and also means you are stepping out of your comfort zone (*hint on next weeks post). Instead of letting the nerves take you over, push them to the forefront and start show them who’s boss!

Thank you for being a part of the #BeYourBold series!

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