Dressing with Confidence + My Tips ✨ | #BeYourBold

What we do in the morning sets us up for the rest of the day. We wake up, get ready for the day, and decide what we are going to wear. You may not realize at the moment how BIG a small decision like this is but it can make all of the difference! Dressing with confidence is your new game plan and I am here to help set you up for success.

Why? Because what you end up choosing can change your mood and outlook on the day. Your decision could leave you feeling confident, fearless, and bold or it could leave you feeling unmotivated, insecure, and inferior. That is why you need to put more thought into your every day.

Dressing with confidence starts with what you have in your wardrobe

If you look in the same closet you did yesterday and think, “ugh… I just don’t know what I want to wear” then you are definitely not alone. We all tend to do that once in a while and that’s okay. What you need to start practicing, however, is deciding to dress for who you want to be and how you want to feel. Once you put those thoughts in your head, you will start to feel a whole lot different about what you put on your body.

Everyone is different so I can’t tell you what will make you feel your best. That being said, I can tell you what makes me feel my best. I went through a faze where I would just throw on the same pair of pants, same boring blouse, and a pair of semi-comfortable shoes that matched everything. I put basically no thought into what I wore to the office… yikes. It took me a few days of dressing nice to realize the change in my attitude.

Dressing with confidence is a decision you should make every day

As the one-and-only Coco Chanel said:

Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.

~ Coco Chanel

After putting together curated looks I can honestly say I felt 10X more productive, confident, and just great. On a scale of 1 to 10 my bold meter went from maybe a 3 to a surefire 9; no exaggeration. There are a few things you should keep in mind when intentionally dressing for confidence:

1 | Decide which colors make you happy
2 | Wear clothing that fits you properly
3 | Pick out your outfits the night before
4 | Know what styles bring you up and not down
5 | Make sure the outfit represents you

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My honest advice on dressing with confidence

Because it took me so long to get it, I understand you will probably battle with yourself like I did. At first, you are so used to just ‘throwing something on’ that you can’t imagine having to take the extra time to really think about it. We can all fall subject to the funk at one time or another. You have to push yourself through it and look at the end goal, your confidence!

Confidence and results go hand-in-hand. The better you feel, the better you will perform. And guess what? Others will most definitely notice the difference in your daily attitude and behavior. I don’t even know how many times I’ve said this but when you look good, you feel good. It’s so true that I have to repeat it over and over again!

Your true bold and beautiful self will start to shine through as soon as you start taking control. Look in your wardrobe and get rid of anything and everything that doesn’t make you feel good. Whether it’s a pair of worn-out jeans, tattered leggings, or that dress that doesn’t fit right, it has no place in your new wardrobe for dressing with confidence!

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Like this post? Read up on stepping outside of your comfort zone

Dress with Confidence


  1. This is so helpful! I need to re work my closet badly!

    Posted 3.7.19

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