Step Boldly Out Of Your Comfort Zone | #BeYourBold ✨

There are points in time when you will meet one of my least ordeals face-to-face, the comfort zone. Let me start of by saying that I am obviously not a fan of complacent. Complacency leads to a comfort zone which leads to a lack of ambition, drive, excitement, and willingness to take risk.

Comfort zones, in my experience, can lead to bad decisions that will affect your end game. You have goals that you are keen on seeing through and then, suddenly, you are in this place: the comfort zone. It welcomes you with open arms and makes you feel… secure. What you don’t see in yourself is the sudden change in attitude from your usually kickass self.

You like your salary, the job is okay, and you are doing just fine. This is where it all goes down… hill, downhill big time. You never want to psych yourself out of taking on opportunities because of nerves or insecurity. Taking chances helps you to grow as a person and advance yourself! Once you have started climbing the metaphorical ladder, why would you suddenly want to stop?

To be bold is to step out of your comfort zone.

Have you seen opportunities that have piqued your interest? They are likely worth pursuing. Is where you are at this very moment where you want to be 10 years from now? Probably not. Do you get nervous when you think about the future? We all do.

The Comfort Zone
Photo c/o @rawpixel

Start by reflecting on your passions and deciding whether or not your current situation can get you there. If it can’t then it is absolutely worth taking on a more promising opportunity. Stay, learn, and grow until you hit a point where you feel stuck. Once you hit that point you have got to start pushing yourself a little harder for progress (and passion).

The ‘comfort zone’ will occur throughout your personal & professional life.

Remember: I am not telling you to up and leave the second you find yourself in this situation. In fact, I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave until you have something else lined up. You have to advocate for yourself across the board; especially with careers, relationships, and money.

Though I focus primarily on advancing in your profession, this is applicable to your whole being. Becoming your best self means breaking out of the comfort zone and taking advantage of opportunities. If there are changes in your relationships, day-to-day routine, or self (mindset, physique, health, etc.) you would like to see make them happen.

Before anything great is really achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed.

~ Roy T. Bennett

A recommendation I have for you all is to start listening to podcasts! They have changed my life. GaryVee, Dave Ramsey, The Model Health Show, and others keep me eager to improve every single day. They have a powerhouse mindset that will make you want to be better and do better.

Breaking Through Comfort Zones
Photo c/o @jeroendenotter

Food for thought 💭

When you feel challenged, engaged, and like you are still learning then you are in a good place. That is where I always want to be! Taking on new classes, career choices, and other roles has taught me that not everything is meant to be. You might not stay where you are for a long time and that is okay. You have to start somewhere and if that somewhere is not your long-term then so be it.

The one thing I have learned to recognize in myself and others is the aura of complacency. At the start of my career I took a job that left me feeling lost. It was not what I wanted to do and so, despite the salary, I started to seek out a position where I would have more opportunities for growth and experience. It has made all the difference!

My honest advice on comfort zones

If you start to feel as I’ve described, start looking for a way out. You are not ‘stuck’ where you are; especially early on in your career. Those first few years out of college are for taking risks and finding what you love! It might take time for you to find it but you will.

I am thankful to have a family who supports my decisions and acts as a sounding board when I share my ideas with them. They know when I am ready for a change and encourage it. Not everyone is this way which is why you have to be there for yourself more than anyone.

You are capable of amazing things! The journey to them starts right now. Become more in tune with yourself so you know when it’s time to shake things up. Be bold in your pursuit of success and happiness (yes really) and never hold back from walking through the doors opening for you.


  1. Paige wrote:

    I have a hard time stepping out of my comfort zone ! This really put thins into perspective and to know that nothing GREAT comes from being complacent ! Thanks for sharing, Bianca ! This is really inspiring !

    Posted 10.3.18

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