Setting 2020 New Years Resolutions 🎊| #BeYourBold

Our emphasis on resolutions can be quite controversial. Why? Because, according to CNN, 80 percent of us will fail to achieve our New Year’s resolution. The key is to set yourself attainable goals. For me, I like to go big but set parameters for each goal so I can work to achieve them and not feel completely disappointed if I don’t.

I am going into 2020 with a few very important resolutions that I fully believe will make a lasting impact on my life. Some are lifelong bucket list goals while others were inspired more recently.


Fitness + Nutrition

The most common goals I hear about are health and fitness-related. For me, it’s about looking and feeling my best and seeing the results of all the hard work I have put in. Yours may be to go vegan, cut gluten, eat more fruit, or get into a yoga routine.

After running my first half marathon with Carrie I knew 2020 would be my marathon training year. I officially signed up (race TBD) and I am so pumped! The Trifecta is the one I’m most afraid of… but we’re going to get it as a family so it’s high on my list.

1 | Complete my first Spartan Trifecta
2 | Run my first full marathon + another half marathon
3 | Incorporate less processed food into my diet
4 | Meal prep on a regular basis



Your lifestyle resolutions can be about anything you feel will impact you for the better. These can be health-related, focus on your mindfulness and well-being, chasing after a big dream that is finally tangible, or making small efforts and wins toward your long-term plans.

Lifestyle goals have historically been about my education or career. This year I am tackling a few mountains including journaling every day and actually rolling out my debt snowball. I have many small goals too and, of course, the one you’ve already heard about. 👑

1 | Eliminate processed foods from my diet
2 | Start journaling every morning
3 | Tackle my student debt with Dave Ramsey
4 | Compete for Miss Massachusetts USA 2020


Start your new year off right

It is never too late to start after or alter some of your goals. There are always things you can add to your list too!

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