Category: Sports & Fitness

No Rest Day Holidays

The 4th of July is just around the corner and, like many other Americans, you may be planning on celebrating away from home. You probably can’t wait for the cold drinks, beach days, and delicious food off the barbecue… right? But, maybe you’re worried about looking your best in that…

Boston Spartan Sprint 

We leapt, climbed, and rolled our way to greatness. Was it a challenge? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. Truth be told, I never thought I would find myself in a race like this. I typically avoid dirty activities where I can and ‘stay dry’.  When my dad asked me…

Boxing Benefits

Have you ever wanted to try a kick-ass workout that is fun, fierce, and effective? There are many different forms of workouts to try, but this is BY FAR my favorite. There are gyms specific to boxing, martial arts studios, and everyday gyms that offer these classes. I started going…

APPsolute Dedication

Having apps to pair with (or use during) your workouts can be useful for organization, motivation, and convenience. Some apps may enhance your workout experience through music or special effects. I have tried many different apps throughout my health and fitness journey, but only a few have remained downloaded on my…

I’ve Been Bytten

Should you #GetBytten? Have you been looking for the perfect accessory to accent your FitBit? Looking for that slight feminine touch in your everyday wardrobe? Want something light & easy that doesn’t get in the way? If ANY of those questions apply to you then you may want to consider…

Fab Fitness Accessories

Make A Statement… Build Your Confidence… With FAB Fitness Accessories! There are some items that I rarely forget to carry along for a workout. Whether it’s at the track, on the road, at the gym, or at home, these products are bound to keep you on track. Each product I…